Now…as for the 4 Rondo Best Film Nominated titles which I’ve seen…
THE FIRST OMEN -- Pretty good overall. Good settings, good acting, some striking
scenes. But a little too predictable, I think. A couple of the maybe-would-have-been-
effective shock scenes, I saw coming down the tracks way ahead of the arrival.
Leading lady Nell Tiger Free (yeah, I don’t like it either) is especially terrific in an
horrendously difficult, taxing role.
Also maybe too much beholden to THE OMEN’s grotesque, over-the-top death scenes.
The sound level, particularly dialogue, was very low. I turned up the volume and still had some trouble. When people were talking I could barely hear them, then would come a scream or loud bang and I was practically blown out of my chair.
So I added captions to the mix and that helped. One caption did catch my notice. There was some wind noise and the title read “Cold wind sounds.” Does cold wind really sound different from…you know…wind?
I appreciated that they took care to tie it into the beginning of THE OMEN. They really didn’t have to. How many modern-day viewers know from the original? And how many can recognize Gregory Peck? Or even the name “Gregory Peck.” So I appreciated theireffort.
THE OMEN original is still better. But THE OMEN remake is much worse. So this…is okay.
FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA -- No, it’s not as good as FURY ROAD, but could we really expect it to be? FURY ROAD, in my eyes at least, is a genuine, full-blooded, no-doubt-about-it masterpiece.
FURIOSA is a very good movie on its own. The action scenes are not surprising. Theyare typically clever, ingenious, scary, and miraculously well-done. Not a surprise at all.The drama between the action is where the movie falls down just a bit. Not terrible by any means, but a little flat.
In the Mad Max universe, I rate ‘em this way…
That’s the official word.
Finally, I know that’s Chris Hemsworth as the bad guy. I KNOW THAT! But I’m telling you--that is NOT Chris Hemsworth as the bad guy. Take it from me.
LISA FRANKENSTEIN -- High school girl Lisa Swallows (yes, that’s her name)
manages to unintentionally resurrect a long-buried dude.
I had read not such good things about this. Mainly the complaint was that it wasn’t
funny. Just maybe mildly pleasant. But it’s also funny. There are not a lot of laugh
out loud moments, but there’s a continuing air of good humor and cleverness.
Kathryn Newton is delightful as Lisa and Cole Sprouse manages to be quite
effective--and funny--in his mostly silent role.
What can I tell you, I liked it.
NOSFERATU -- After I saw this I kept my opinions to myself for a while, trying
to get my thoughts straight. Actually, I was simply trying to make any sense at
all of my thoughts.
It’s a very good horror movie. Is that enough? No? Well…
Okay then. It’s a very good horror movie which still disappointed me. I was hoping
this third (major) telling of the Dracula story from this particular angle would be as
great, as powerful, as unforgettable, as the first two. And it just wasn’t. A little too
diffuse for me. And a little too dark (literally).
Captain Jack Sparrow’s little girl was very good, very good indeed in a tough lead
role. And it was interesting to see the story play out primarily from this heroine/
victim’s point-of-view. But I was less impressed by the vampire himself/itself.
I knew and hoped that they wouldn’t just recycle the original Orlock look. Great as
It was, it’s been played-out now, I fear. But I wasn’t really taken with the look they
gave us. As everyone has noted, this is clearly a vampire who was a Slavic general
in life. Got the ‘stache and everything. I’d just prefer something a little more
corpse-like. This guy looked, when we finally got a chance to see him, like ol’ Joe
Stalin on a bad day.
But his look is…okay. I can live with that. His voice, however, I really deeply
Disliked. Yes, it’s very deep and growly..but too much so. It sounds like standard
deep growly villain voice. It was, to me, almost funny. I can imagine a hefty handful
of better choices.
Beyond that, Nicholas Hoult was probably the best “Jonathan Harker” ever. Of
course, he also had more to do than just about any other. And Willem Dafoe is a
fine “Van Helsing”. Other cast members were…okay.
So, yeah, it’s a very good horror film, very good indeed. But it’s not a patch on
either of its two brilliant predecessors.