Sunday, November 12, 2023

For years I collected movie quotes. I’d hear a line I loved and I’d immediately write it down and add it to my pages and pages of quotes. In truth, I still collect movie quotes though these days it really has to knock my socks off to make the grade.  For a time I even fancied putting a book together of great movie quotes, but, me being me, nothing came of that. Others have published such books and I don’t think any of them really sold, so no great loss.

But I might as well make use of some of these, since I still am hugely fond of them. These are not the really famous ones. No “We’ll always have Paris” or “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse” or “Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here, this is the War Room.”  These are lesser known.

None are from truly obscure films, though some are wildly underseen. I won’t tell you the film titles, but I will include a photo from each movie which should make most of them easier, if not always really easy. 


“Look, Iron Man, if you’re so uptight, take a shower and cool off.”        

“Just think, the next time I shoot someone, I could be arrested.”   

“There’ll be no morning for us.”        

“Think of me as falling out of a window-- forever.  For I am truly fucked.”

“If there were no gods at all I'd still revere them. If there were no Rome, I'd dream of her.”

“I'm a virgin. I'm just not very good at it.” 

“He dreaded the thought of being shot down alone, without a girl to scream out his name.” 

“The only thing standing between you and a watery grave is your wits, and that's not my idea of adequate protection.” 

“I looked for you in my closet.” 

“I will take you places you have never been, I will show you things you have never seen, and I will watch the life run out of you.” 

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